We let our customers speak

Every day woodworkers all over the world decide on woodworking machines from Felder and consequently become ambassadors for perfect woodworking. For us, the success stories of our customers represent recognition and motivation as well as the signature of our company. We are proud that with our machines all over the world, countless unique goals are achieved and success stories written every day. Tell us about your projects, we are looking forward to every single one.

Faviola Kaiolewicz (Owner, Wood Projections)

At Wood Projections Inc., a long-time cigar manufacturer with an extensive line of high-quality Cigar Humidors and Lockers, we have relied on this Felder...

Darrell Peart

Darrell Peart Furnituremaker

I have an advantage when shopping for tools and machinery. For many years I have traveled around the country and taught woodworking. The different schools have...

Jonathan Axelrad

I've had 5 different jointers in my shop over the last 4 years. Finally, with the Plan 51L, I've got a tool that doesn't make me wish I had something better. ...

Kirk Loubier

The FB 740RS bandsaw has been a great tool in my shop. Felder was able to get it in and help me maintain and answer all my questions. Another amazing tool to...

Loubier Design

I have been a Felder customer for a very long time, owning a range of different machines. They are a great partnership to have, close to my business and they...

Martin Banas

Quality Construction Group

Our kappa 400 X-motion sliding table has been a great investment, feels like nothing we've ever experienced, the smoothness of the table saw is unreal! We are...