Faviola Kaiolewicz (Owner, Wood Projections)
At Wood Projections Inc., a long-time cigar manufacturer with an extensive line of high-quality Cigar Humidors and Lockers, we have relied on this Felder...
At Wood Projections Inc., a long-time cigar manufacturer with an extensive line of high-quality Cigar Humidors and Lockers, we have relied on this Felder...
Darrell Peart Furnituremaker
I have an advantage when shopping for tools and machinery. For many years I have traveled around the country and taught woodworking. The different schools have...
I've had 5 different jointers in my shop over the last 4 years. Finally, with the plan 51L, I've got a tool that doesn't make me wish I had something better....
La sierra de cinta FB 740RS ha sido una gran herramienta en mi taller, Felder fue capaz de llevarla y ayudarme a mantenerla y responder a todas mis preguntas....
Soy cliente de Felder desde hace mucho tiempo, poseo varias máquinas diferentes. Son una gran empresa, están cerca de mi negocio y ofrecen un excelente...
Quality Construction Group
Nuestra escuadradora kappa 400 X-motion ha sido una gran inversión, no se parece a nada que hayamos experimentado, ¡la suavidad de la escuadradora es irreal!...