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Format4® glueBox – Bordare PUR senza vasca colla

9 ott 2019

Format4® glueBox – Bordare PUR senza vasca colla. Rivoluzionario, semplice e pulito. Il rivoluzionario glueBox per la bordatrice Format4 tempora F600 60.06...

Format 4® profil 92 M e-motion spindle moulder with double pivoting

7 ott 2019

Set-up times are a thing of the past: the spindle moulder with double swivel and HSK 63 tool quick-change system. The sophisticated electro-spindle is...


18 set 2019

Il primo ed unico al mondo sistema di sicurezza contactless per squadratrici: infortuni gravi sulla squadratrice sono il passato – lavorazione del legno di...


3 lug 2019

Design furniture and interior, visualize in 3D and produce at the touch of a button. Craft 4.0 or Industry 4.0: Regardless of your current machine park, we...

LIGNA 2019 highlights with PCS, glueBox, lightPos and F4Vision

4 giu 2019

LIVE at LIGNA: glueBox - PUR edgebanding without a glue pot. F4Vision and lightPos – CNC machining with augmented reality and 6,000 LEDs. Preventive Contact...

The new panel saw with double pivoting

21 mag 2019