Kami membiarkan pelanggan yang berbicara tentang kami

Setiap hari, para pekerja kayu di seluruh dunia memutuskan memakai mesin perkayuan dari Felder, oleh karena itu mereka menjadi duta untuk pekerjaan perkayuan yang sempurna untuk kami, cerita kesuksesan pelanggan kami merepresentasikan pengakuan dan motivasi yang juga ciri khas perusahaan kami Kami bangga bahwa dengan mesin di seluruh dunia, banyak karya unik yang bisa dibuat dan cerita sukses ditulis setiap harinya. ceritakan pada kami proyek anda, kami menunggu semuanya.

Schreinerei Weber

Format4 machines are unbeatable when it comes to the price/performance ratio in comparison with other manufacturers. With Format4 I have found myself a...

Schreinerei andersartig. Hornburg & Thumann

FORMAT4 convinced us with solid machines, full of sophisticated technology and have proven themselves in the past couple of years as a first class partner with...

Jürgen Rettenböck – Baierl & Demmelhuber Innenausbau GmbH

I really like working with the plan 51. It is easy to use, robust and does exactly what I want. We simply always rely on our Format4 machines.

Per Larsen Snedkermester

The Felder D951 completes my workshop perfectly for all thicknessing work.

GK Kaysen

We wanted a spindle moulder that could be quickly and accurately adjusted to the different work required to be carried out. The decision for FORMAT4 was a...

Bouwbedrijf Ton Brasser

A big step for us, but the flexibility and the speed in which we can now produce, has saved us a huge amount of time ever since the first day.