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29 août 2018

The IWF Challengers Distinguished Achievement Award® 2018 for outstanding companies who drive forward industrial progress through the development of...

Le travail du bois en HYPER-RALENTI 2018

17 avr. 2018

Sensationnel - l'usinage du bois professionnel, sciage, rabotage, fraisage, perçage à 10.000 images par seconde.

MF Spindle System

4 avr. 2018

Système de changement de l‘arbre de toupie

Felder "Easy-Lock"

3 avr. 2018

Globally unique: saw blade change "Easy-Lock" without using tools
Change your saw blades safely and without any tools in record time

Join us on a tour through one of the Felder Group showrooms

3 avr. 2018

Discover a world of woodworking products. At one of our worldwide technology centres and showrooms we can carry out a systematic requirement analysis, ensuring...

Hammer – Woodworking in nature

3 avr. 2018

For those who like to "do it yourself" the Hammer range of machines is the path to an amazingly rewarding and life long hobby.