Nous donnons la parole à nos clients

Tous les jours, des menuisiers du monde entier choisissent les machines de la maison Felder et se font ainsi les ambassadeurs d'un travail du bois absolument parfait. Pour nous, les histoires des réussites de nos clients sont une reconnaissance et un facteur de motivation et, en même temps, la signature de notre entreprise. Nous sommes fiers de savoir que partout dans le monde, chaque jour, nos machines permettent d'atteindre les objectifs les plus multiples et les plus originaux, et d'être à l'origine de l'histoire de vos succès. Racontez-nous vos projets, nous avons hâte de tous les découvrir.

The Living Kitchen

If you want to produce a great product efficiently and with high quality, then a Format4 CNC machine is the best way to achieve this," Paul is convinced. "Our...

R.J. Sanders

We have chosen Felder Group woodworking machines in order to improve the quality of our products. So far I have only had positive experiences with the...


With the versatile wide abilities of Format4 CNC machine , not only our speed in manufacturing has increased but also we have more capability to design...

Mr. Renjith – Acquila Building Solutions

5 years & the finish that i get from FELDER Panel Saw and Edgebander is remarkable

Mr. Manish – I2 Concept Interiors and Solutions

I find FELDER machines really reliable, the stability of the machine is remarkable and the promptness of the service support team is commendable

Mr. Sarvana – Citizen Industrie

We are using Format4 c-express 920 classic for our drilling operations, from the time the machine has been installed we are getting superb results! The service...