Software F4Solid
3D for 3-, 4- and 5-axis CNC.
Whether in stairs and staircase construction, for free-forms of all kinds, rotation surface processing or 3D engraving – F4®Solid powered by alphacam is the perfect complete software solution for woodworking and plastics processing. Depending on your needs, you can generate 3D CAM programs for 3-, 4- and 5-axis programming just as you have designed and defined components.
FORMAT4. Uncompromising expertise for the highest of requirements
The Felder Group premium brand has met the highest standards of professional users since 2001. The customised high-performance solutions are uncompromisingly innovative, offer maximum operating comfort and complete productivity.
The most important highlights at a glance
Generate CAM programmes in 3D with F4Solid!
F4Solid is the 3D solution for al Format4 3-, 4- and 5-axis machining centres. With the surface generator, the creation of rotation surfaces, TAB – or edge surfaces, extruded surfaces or surfaces from sections is very simple.
Easily load 3D data, generate surfaces, create high-end lettering or engrave ornaments with 3D.
Fully automatic creation of milling paths in the 3-, 4- and 5-axis range brings efficiency into your work process.
With the integrated 3D simulation you can test prototypes quickly and easily in your office. On the machine, the finished products can be manufactured in unit number one faster.
A high-quality end product and satisfied customers!
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Mebling DOOEL Details
Boca Ivanovska 35, Butel
1000 Skopje
Tel.: +389 71 393 916